Saturday, June 18, 2011

Pictures from Saturday

Sandy peeks over the 11th course of blocks.

Mike hand mixes the mortar

11 Courses of block are complete.

The new front door.

Ashley & Sarah sing praise songs with the children in the old house.

The front bedroom in the old house.

Thank you, New Hope, donating clothing for the Garcia children.  These are a few of the faces you blessing.

This is the new latrine.


  1. These are awesome pictures!! I can tell how hard you're working!! Happy Father's day to all of you fathers, it should be a memorable one!!!

  2. It looks like you are all doing great work building structures and "bridges to Christ." What an awesome example the fathers among you are being to their children right now by being the hands and feet of Christ. Happy Father's Day to you all!

  3. Hi,

    Reading the blog and seeing the pictures, I can see God working thru each of you everyday. What a wonderful blessing you are to the family and the family is a blessing to you. Keep smiling. God's loves is showing thru each of you.

    Pam J
